Best Horror of the Year
It's officially here! The twelfth volume of Ellen Datlow's Best Horror of the Year is now available to purchase from Amazon. But why...
Honorable Mention: Allegory
Hey hey! Very small news here, but I thought it at least worth mentioning that my story "Where the Babies Come From" is an honorable...
Dennis Needs A Cigarette: Some Sketches and Some Plays
Over the last couple months, I've thrown together another little collection, this one of old plays and sketches, called DENNIS NEEDS A...
The Best of Shimmer
It sort of slipped my mind to post/plug this right when it came out, but I am IN THIS! My story "Black Fanged Thing" was selected as one...
Fifteen Smells for $12.99: Stories.
Friends and fans! It goes without saying that this spring has turned out to be a very tense time for the world. Most people I know are...