My first and only article for Killer Horror Critic is out now! Check out the many great things I have to say about Crites, in honor of the 35th anniversary of their film Critters. Read all about why I love Crites and you should, too!
Click here for the article.

It's finally here, y'all! My ghost story "Hector Brim" is out in the latest issue of Planet Scumm magazine. Doubly exciting about this is that my good friend, fellow Goddardian, and podcast partner in crime Ben Hennesy also has a piece in this issue! You can check them both out here. If you like pretty stones, screaming souls, wife-ghosts, and creepy men in trench coats, "Hector Brim" is the joint for you!

Greetings, children of the night! My flash fiction piece "People Are Dying" is now live on Tales To Terrify! This episode also has a fun piece of serendipity-- my friend Amy was a runner-up for their recent flash contest and has her name in the credits for this very same episode! How fun is that??
If you like ghosts, funny accents, bowling, and a single shoe, check out "People Are Dying" today!